22. October 2021

Viessmann welcomes publication of the Heat in Buildings Strategy

“The new scheme should be designed to deliver additional heat pump installations in segments of the retrofit market where heat pumps would not have otherwise been fitted,” says Viessmann managing director, Graham Russell.

Telford, October 19th 2021 – Graham Russell, managing director of heating and cooling systems manufacturer, Viessmann, has commented on publication of the UK Government’s Heat & Buildings Strategy:

Viessmann wholeheartedly welcomes today’s publication of the UK Government’s Heat & Buildings Strategy. The new strategy sets out a plan to achieve substantial carbon reductions from heat in buildings during this decade, towards meeting the net zero target in 2050. It’s publication, just a few days before COP26, is timely.

With over 20% of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions attributed to buildings, the country is boldly taking the opportunity to showcase leadership in heat decarbonisation after little progress over the last decade.

After over 30 years of presence in the UK market, Viessmann is vested in the success of its low carbon transition. We see the publication of the strategy as an important milestone to unleash the innovation and investment in skills necessary to drive the uptake of new technology.

The future of heat is about a mix of technologies and solutions working in tandem. There is no quick fix or single solution available to decarbonise the UK’s building stock. An array of technologies will have a role to play.

Given the diversity of the UK building stock and consumer base, we are delighted that the strategy encompasses a mix of policies to promote heat pumps, hydrogen heat, heat networks and energy efficiency as well as new funding giving the industry a framework to push forward with innovative solutions.

We think it is key that the new schemes announced as part of the strategy, such as the £450m Boiler Upgrade Scheme to replace the domestic RHI, should incrementally drive low carbon heat markets further. 2021 has been a year of growth for the heat pump market and the new scheme should be designed to deliver additional heat pump installations in segments of the retrofit market where heat pumps would not have otherwise been fitted.

Viessmann is prepared by investing heavily in the technologies and skills of the future. As a leader in both electricity and hydrogen-led heating as well as conventional boiler efficiency and heat networks, we are committed to providing net zero compatible solutions for all homes and buildings.

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